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The Rural Hub has developed our Lesson Plans for Introducing AI into the Classroom!
The Rural Hub developed two lesson plans and sets of learning resources on the topic of Communication, Collaboration and AI; one set of lessons for students aged 6 to 8 years, and a second set for students aged 9 to 11 years. This lesson began with a video which explains to students how AI can help us with ordering a pizza. This video is the first element of the Lesson Plan. The second element of these lesson plans are learning activities with a problem-based task. This task consists of a guided activity that aims to help students come up with a reflection about a question/problem proposed. This question/problem aims to give learners the opportunity to know how AI can affect their daily lives in a simple and ludic way. This last element of the Lesson Plan is an AI-based challenge tutorial game. It aims to be the most ludic part of the lesson plan and pretends to conclude with the knowledge acquired during the lesson plan. The tutorial is related to the Communication and Collaboration and is created to help students develop their own game using Machine-based learning and Scratch 3.0. Through these activities and lessons, our aim is to support students from 6 to 11 years to engage with AI as a concept through teaching activities in their classrooms.