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Workshop 2: Pedagogies and Curriculum Development
A series of workshops were delivered t as part of teachers’ professional development training. The workshops were offered online for 3 days, from Monday December 13th to Wednesday, December 15th 2021.
Overview of the workshop 2
This workshop aimed to foster primary school educators in their attempts to integrate AI educational elements in their classrooms. Educating the next generations in the understanding of the fundamentals of the upcoming scientific and technological innovations.
The main objective was to support teachers to trigger learners’ interest regarding the operational implications of AI techniques in today’s classroom and to inform educators about possible advantages and potential risks.
This workshop provides a good introduction to the theoretical framework of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the learning process. It also illustrates a series of AI platforms that have been developed for educational purposes and also introduces two activities that have been already used in the classroom environment and challenges learners to modify according to their students’ needs. Finally, a short evaluation test verifies the level of understanding of the presented outcomes.
This workshop’s learning approach is mainly experiential, in order to maximize personal engagement and interaction among the participants narrating the multiple aspects of AI.
The overall aim of the workshop is to provide some examples of best practices that integrate AI in primary school classrooms
Following the completion of the workshop, you will be able to:
- List cognitive skills that AI affects
- Differentiate strong from weak AI
- Classify AI tools and methods that can be used in primary classroom
- Outline the benefits of integrating AI in education
- Detect already developed AI platforms for primary education
- Generate own AI activities’ content from given best practices
A teachers’ e-Guide, offers a summary of the training event, including all the workshops, accompanied by the learning objectives, reading materials, and quizzes to self-assess your obtained knowledge. The document can be used as a guide through the slides of the training event. This is available here https://generation-ai.eu/download/e-guide/