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Second online partner meeting
On the 26th of April, the partners had their second online project meeting. They discussed the current state of the project, with a special focus on the progress of the GENERATION AI TOOLKIT for teachers. The next intellectual output was also introduced by the RUG: the professional development training for teachers.
Overall, the online meeting was engaging and all partners were enthusiastic about the findings so far. The meeting was closed with an overview of the remaining tasks for the TOOLKIT and the next project meeting was scheduled.
The collection of different games and software tools that can be used to
support AI and ML in primary, secondary and tertiary education was done
by searching various libraries and search engines such as Google and
scientific publications (e.g., Google Search, ACM Digital Library, IEEE
Xplore, Science Direct, Google Scholar).
The search string used
during the search covers three main terms content (“AI Education”, “ML
Education”, “CS Education”) and the medium (“Game-Based Learning”,
“Games for Learning”).