Teaching Kids about Artificial intelligence September 2022

Pilot testing AI lesson plans

The third intellectual output of the project is being finalized. For this intellectual output, all partners created and pilot tested two AI lesson plan. One for the ‘Basic’ level, which is targeted at 6 to 8-year-olds, and another lesson plan for the ‘Advanced’ curriculum, which is targeted at 9 to 12-year-olds. 

The topic of each AI lesson plan is combined with one of the competences from de DigCompEdu framework. The topics are introduced by a question which students will investigate themselves. Every lesson plan contains an introductory video, introducing the lesson. The video is followed by a learning activity during which students will explore the central question. Finally, students are encouraged to put what they have learned into practice during a challenge. These challenges are hands-on, problem solving exercises that they can work on. 

Each lesson plan comes with the necessary slides or documents, plus a tutor handbook to make it as easy as possible for teacher to implement the lessons. 

During the pilot phase, all lesson plans were tested. More than 100 students were involved in the piloting phase of the project. Overall, high enthusiasm and engagement was reported from students participating in the pilot phase. 

Siglo22 will write a cumulative report, summarizing all the results for the pilot phase of the study. This report will be shared on the e-learning platform. Moreover, all lesson plans will become available on the e-learning platform for anyone to use. 


Here are some pictures of the pilot phase: 


A picture containing text, indoor, desk

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A group of people sitting in a room

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Transnational Project Meeting in Athens

On the 1st and 2nd of September, the partners met in person for the second time. This time, the partners from Doukas School hosted the meeting in their beautiful city Athens. 

During the meeting, all partners shared the results of their pilot tests. After that, partners worked on the dissemination plan for after the project, to ensure sustainability of all project outcomes. Finally, the organization of the multiplier events was discussed, and remaining final tasks for the project were determined and divided. 

The project is still following the schedule as planned, and all partners are excited to enter this final phase of the project and look forward to sharing the results during the Multiplier Events. 


In the next, and last, months of the project, the focus will lay on finalizing all intellectual outputs and creating the e-learning platform where all project outputs will be shared. 

Moreover, in October and November, Multiplier Events will be organized in Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, and the Netherlands. Any interested stakeholder can join these multiplier events. During these events, we will share the project results, and organize fun and interactive workshops to get participants more familiar with the project results. 

More information on this will follow!