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Generation AI Achieves an Impact!
The Rural Hub has been responsible for managing the impact assessment activities of the Generation AI project partners. This activity has been supported by all partner organisations. The strategy that has been implemented for the Generation AI project follows the structure of the IMPACT+ Framework that was developed by the UK and Slovenian National Agencies, as a means of supporting project consortia to measure and track the impact that their project activities are having on a local, regional, and national levels. In following this structure, Generation AI project partners were asked to develop an indicator set which addressed the intended impact of each Intellectual Output to their national context by estimating expected impacts at each of the following levels: Systemic – This Area of the Impact+ Assessment focussed on the impact of the intellectual output (IO) in relation to the sector, subject area of the project, peer or beneficiary networks, policy, or legislative change, etc. Organisations – This Area of the Impact+ Assessment focussed on the impact of the IO in relation to the operation and service/training offering of project partner organisations. Learners – This Area of the Impact+ Assessment focussed on the impact of the IO in relation to individual learners or staff (tutors or mentors), etc. who will be engaged in the learning, teaching, and training activities foreseen in the project application. Project Staff – This Area of the Impact+ Assessment focussed on the impact of the IO in relation to project staff who are managing and coordinating the project in each partner organisation. Throughout all of these activities, we can positively evaluate the impact that Generation AI has had on introducing AI into the teaching curriculum and strategies of schoolteachers in our regions, which is a fantastic result for our project!