BLISS Project: “Block chain skills for ICT professionals”

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Topic/ Area

Skills for ICT Professionals

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Date released

01-10-2017 - 17/02/2020

Type of Best Practice

PD/ Training Programme

Partners/ network

  • UNIVERSITE LYON 1 CLAUDE BERNARD – Coordinator (France)
  • EXELIA E.E. (Greece)
  • TARTU ULIKOOL (Estonia)
  • TELESIG LTD (Bulgaria)

Description of the methods/ approach

The Bliss project focused on the creation of a comprehensive and up-to-date training course in blockchain technology applications. Also, it introduced modern training delivery methods and innovative open-access pedagogical resources for ICT Professionals. Moreover, BLISS Project facilitated the integration of block chain skills requirements into the EU certification and standardization schemes.


BLISS project “Block chain skills for ICT professionals” aims to improve the skills and competencies of ICT professionals by developing educational resources and materials to address existing occupational needs. Also, the project aims on an innovative course on block chain skills, which will support the large scale open access and participation in training activities for ICT professionals.

Evaluation (results) of its effectiveness

Bliss Project carried out a survey to detect the knowledge and skills required by block chain technology. Specifically, it investigated the current gap between the requests of companies and the training of IT professionals
developed educational resources and materials to meet the demands of the world of work and to overcome existing professional mismatches. Moreover, it developed an online course (BLISS VOOC) on blockchain skills needs that will support the large scale open access and participation in training activities for ICT professionals.

Overview of the lessons learned which are relevant to the project

The online training course was engaging and verified that both ICT professionals and potential ones can be enrolled to the course and acquire a complete set of knowledge and skills by following the sequence of the course.