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Hybrid partner meeting in Groningen
On the 11th and 12th of April, we had a hybrid transnational partner meeting in Groningen! Our partners from the Fundacion Siglo22 and the Doukas School visited the University of Groningen. Unfortunately, our partners from INNOVADE, CARDET, and the Rural Hub, were not able to join in person, but luckily they joined us online!
During this meeting, the partners discussed the development of the AI lesson plans for primary schools. All the lesson plans were presented and the final remaining tasks have been dealt with. The next phase is implementation. All pilot studies are scheduled for June and September.
Besides the lesson plans, we also got an update on the e-learning platform which will host all the learning materials, Toolkit, best practices, and professional development training. The structure of the platform was presented and evaluated.
Finally, the consortium discussed the Sustainability plan of the project. This plan ensures that all outputs of the project will still be found and used by stakeholders in a meaningful way, even when the project has ended.
Overall, it was a fruitful and efficient meeting with all partners! After the meeting, there was also room to explore Groningen together. The partners enjoyed a walking tour through Groningen, a visit to the University Museum of Groningen, and enjoyed the best view over the city on top of the Forum!
Our next transnational partner meeting will be in September in Athens hosted by Doukas School. By then the results of the pilot studies are in, and the e-learning platform will be presented with its final structure!