GenerationAI_IO1_Pedagogical Framework The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2020-1- NL01-KA201-064712] educational curriculum. This becomes crucial, according to the European Commission (Berger and Frey, 2015; OECD, 2019) since the need for digital skills in workplace is growing year by year by approximately 4%. Thus, as a medium to keep up with the future needs of the labour market, it is essential to integrate AI into the primary school curriculum and to equip students with the necessary skills they need for their lives and their future employment. Similarly, to Irish educational system, a review of the literature and current projects in Netherlands reveal that AI-STEM education has also not been explored at all, and hence, a pedagogical framework is required. Even though a couple of national level studies exist that examined problem-solving skills and indirectly use of AI applications in primary education, AI is not explicitly addressed neither in the curriculum nor in research. Correspondingly, the pedagogical framework for AI-STEAM education in Greece and Spain lacks national agreement, as it is not yet integrated in their educational curriculum. Current National Actions on AI- STEM education Despite that scarcity in the official curriculum, there are national proposals for the integration of Artificial Intelligence into the curriculum, for instance the INTEF’s proposal. In primary education, this scheme is divided into the first cycle (Key stage 1) and the second cycle (Key Stage 2). For the first cycle with students aged 6-10 years old, it is suggested that the students get involved with unplugged activities, which take place away from a computer, in order to model key concepts e.g., selection, variables, algorithms, data representation. These activities include hands-on materials such as strings, glasses, cards, board games etc. In the second cycle of primary school with