GenerationAI_IO1_Pedagogical Framework

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2020-1- NL01-KA201-064712] Literature Review In the school curriculum, STEM education plays a fundamental role in the education system. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics courses pave career paths for many young people to get prepared for the workplace of the future. Additionally, STEM competences help students to learn critical life skills such as creative thinking, innovation, problem-solving, communication and collaboration. Particularly, creativity and innovation skills are fostered through STEM education, that offers possibilities of exploration and research. The technology behind AI can reform the educational system and offer more modern and forward-thinking approaches in primary education across Europe. Through the development, design and implementation of AI activities and lessons in the classroom, students will have the opportunity to develop their digital and socio-emotional skills. A generation ago, digital skills were rarely found in the population and were a feature of unique and specialized roles. Today, they are a key competence that is necessary in most professions to be fully engaged and participate actively in society. Therefore, teaching students about the growing impact of technology is an important component of STEM education in the 21st century and necessary and vital for the students to adapt themselves to the demands of new technologies and digital literacy. AI into the primary school curriculum Even though, the revolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is driving widespread change to Irish systems with all industries of business, science, medicine, farming, etc. to benefit from the technological achievements of AI, AI is not yet included in the national