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Quality Assurance in Generation AI
The Rural Hub has been responsible for the management of the Quality Assurance processes in the Generation AI project. As part of this process, The Rural Hub has been supported by all partners to complete regular quality checks throughout the lifecycle of the project. In managing the quality of the project, all partners followed a 3Ps approach to quality management. As part of this model, we assessed the quality of the project is terms of the Process and Project management of the project, the Partnership and the quality of the Products developed by the project team. Throughout the evaluations completed by the project partners, all aspects were evaluated as very positive. Some comments from the final evaluation include:
- The consortium had a wonderful cooperation with regards to the development of work.
- The meetings were very useful with productive discussions about the project outputs and the tasks.\
- The quality of work was one of the priorities of the consortium
- All partners were very well involved on all tasks, communicated clearly on their progress, and needs during the project, and met deadlines to keep up with the timeline of the project.
This shows that the consortium has worked very well together over the course of this project.